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- <h5>
- [ <a href="shogo.php#introduction">Introduction</a>
- | <a href="shogo.php#requirements">Requirements</a>
- | <a href="shogo.php#features">Features</a> ]<br>
- [ <a href="shogo.php#reviews">Reviews</a>
- | <a href="shogo.php#screenshots">Screenshots</a> ]
- </h5><p>
- <h2><b>Shogo : Mobile Armour Division</b></h2></center>
- <p><br>
- <h4>Price - £34.95</h4>
- <p><a name=introduction></a><br>
- <h4>Introduction</h4>
- <p>
- "Shogo: Mobile Armor Division" is a first-person shooter
- with a difference. It draws its inspiration from such anime
- classics (Japanese animation) as "Macross" (aka "Robotech")
- and "Gundam", not only because it allows you to do battle
- in a 10 meters tall robot but also because the game actually
- has a credible plot that unfolds as you progress in the game.
- <p>
- In Shogo you play Sanjuro, a hotshot commander caught in the
- middle of a war against a terrorist organisation that cost
- him his family and his girl-friend. As the plot develops,
- you will find out that not everything is as you thought it
- was. But make no mistake: Shogo is all about furious 3D
- action.
- <p>
- Some sections of the game have to be traversed on foot
- whilst other sections can only be completed with the aid of
- a Mobile Combat Armor unit, a 10 meters tall metal suit that
- packs some really amazing fire-power such as a laser-cannon
- and a multi-warhead launcher. In true anime fashion, the
- MCA's are extremely maneuverable and it's great fun to
- squash a foot-soldier now and then, but just remember to
- make a run for it when you're the one on foot...
- <p>
- Shogo uses Monolith's LithTechTM 3D engine which is every
- bit as advanced (if not more so) as the Quake IITM engine
- from ID. You will immediately notice the difference: the
- explosions, the gore and the particle and lighting effects
- are like nothing else out there. The LithTech engine will
- let you enjoy convincing indoor and outdoor scenery as you
- do battle in your MCA with enemy tanks or traverse an
- abandoned city on foot.
- <p>
- A lot of attention was given to the weapons: a satisfying
- high-tech mix of energy and ballistic weapons ranging from
- pistols and machine guns when you are on foot, to laser
- cannons and multi-warhead launchers when you are aboard the
- MCA.
- <p>
- Shogo's soundtrack is subtle and effective and adapts to the
- onscreen action and many of the soundeffects are pulled
- straight from anime series and are very convincing. Moreover,
- Shogo features a lot of high-quality speech throughout the game
- driving the plot and bringing the characters to life.
- <p>
- Whilst Shogo is perfectly enjoyable as a single-player game,
- those of you interested in multi-player action are catered for
- too with full support for network play.
- <p><a name=requirements></a><br>
- <h4>Requirements</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>OS 3.0 or higher
- <li>PPC processor (supported through WarpOS)
- <li>Graphics Card (3D acceleration required for Blizzard PPC)
- <li>3D acceleration supported through Warp3D
- <li>Virtual 3D Sound supported through AHI
- <li>6x CD-ROM
- <li>32 MB FastRAM
- <li>Hard Drive
- </ul>
- <p><a name=features></a><br>
- <h4>Features</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>Uses LithTechTM 3D engine by Monolith
- <li>Choose to pilot one of four transformable Mobile Combat Armor units (MCAs)
- <li>Two modes of play - on foot and in MCA
- <li>True 3D environments with realistic lighting, indoor levels, vast outdoor terrains and awesome effects
- <li>Over 30 challenging enemies that use the environment to their advantage, activate alarms or spring traps
- <li>Dynamic storyline and goal-based mission structure evolves based on your actions
- <li>Separate MCA and on-foot arsenals for a total of 18 pumped-up weapons
- <li>Multiplayer action includes built in Internet, LAN and modem support
- </ul>
- <p><a name=reviews></a><br>
- <h4>Reviews</h4>
- <p>
- <b>PC Gamer</b><br>
- "Monolith have created a singular, imaginative and fabulously
- entertaining experience... A big, brash bucket load of fun.
- With added robots."<br>
- Score: 91% (PC Gamer game of the month, Christmas 1998)
- <p>
- <b>PC Zone</b><br>
- "With strong identifiable characters, stylish animations and an
- ever evolving plot, it's a game that draws you in from the
- beginning to end."<br>
- Score: 92% (PC Zone classic)
- <p><a name=screenshots></a><br>
- <h4>Screenshots</h4>
- <p>
- <center>
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_01.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_02.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_03.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_04.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_05.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_06.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_07.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_08.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_09.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_10.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/shogo/shogo_11.jpg">
- </center>
- <p>
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